Team coaching

Whether you’re in the Senior leadership team, a cross functional team or a departmental team, a large organisation or a small business, managing team dynamics is vital  for effective performance & cohesion.  All too often, mistrust or disagreements lead to poor team performance and decisions not being taken resulting in opportunities being missed.

Recognising this, and making a collective decision to change and work towards commonality is the first step, but often the most difficult and that is where coaching can support and work fast. As with 1:1 coaching, within the team coaching space, I’ll seek to guide individuals to reignite their passion, build resilience and strong boundaries as these are the foundations from where we build fulfilled, effective & efficient individuals and teams.

Strategic direction

You’re stuck, the business is performing well, you want to keep that momentum, but it’s difficult to see the road ahead. Within a coaching space, I will facilitate strategic team coaching discussions at a senior level to enable the road ahead to become clear, empowering you to take action with strategic intent.

Effective group decision making

Making team decisions, especially big ones is one of the most difficult things.  Often conflicts of opinion can hamper or derail the process altogether – leaving decisions unmade.  Through coaching,  we’ll reframe the challenge, ensuring that everyone gets to contribute, is listened to and work towards fostering an ethos of win/win.

Everyone is heard

Strong personalities can dominate a team. Meaning quieter individuals are not always empowered to contribute, causing imbalance.  Team coaching creates an equal playing field where everyone’s inputs are valued and I equip individuals with ongoing communication skills.

I came into my coaching session feeling overwhelmed and anxious, not at all my usual self. These feelings could have derailed the session had it not been for the fact that Kate immediately created a safe space for us to work in. She helped me to put my fears in context, to recognise what was real and what were just unhelpful thoughts. She challenged me but it felt positive and thought provoking.  And most importantly she helped me to see that my goal was still achievable and that I am on track.

Helen, HR Director

My programmes

My team programmes are all bespoke depending on the specific needs of your business.

For the best results, I find a blend of 1:1 & team coaches sessions works well.

Book a call to find out how Inside out success can help your inner-potential rise high