Meet Kate

Kate’s had struggles like many of us, but has had the courage to admit it, deal with them head on and turn these imperfections into her superpowers.

Kate is a busy working mum, who used to prioritise others over herself and think she could do it all and be everything to everyone.  How wrong she was.  All she achieved was constant feelings of guilt, lacking in any sense of satisfaction and missing out on the fun and joy that was happening all around her.  It was a pretty lonely place to be…..and a long way away from the life she’d imagined for herself. Through her personal coaching journey, Kate discovered that it didn’t have to be this way.  And that actually, it was remarkably easy to change things QUICKLY.

Kate is still a busy working Mum who runs her successful coaching business, but now prioritises herself and has a deep and unashamed understanding that taking care of herself first and foremost is the most important step she can take to being her best self at work and at home. 

Kate brings to coaching her 25 years’ experience in category & insight management, commercial and NPD from the food manufacturing industry. Her strong intuition, deep understanding of people and team mentoring skills, underpin her coaching style and proficiency.

As an MBA qualified ICF Accredited Executive Coach, Kate is well placed to share her wealth of experience and partner with your organisation on 1:1 and teams voyages of discovery to unlock true potential from the inside out.

Book a call to find out how Inside out success can help your inner-potential rise high