Why coaching?

Coaching works quickly which is synergistic with the fast pace of the food & drink industry. The real beauty is that good coaches don’t rush in to find a one size fits all solution….  What makes coaching different and so powerful lies in the process of uncovering and de-layering that leads to identifying the essence of the problem. Frequently when you get to the heart of the matter, the initial challenge is barely visible.

On average we make 35,000 decisions a day, it’s no wonder work and life can seem exhausting. All too often we allow our head to make these decisions. Within the coaching space you’ll be invited to reconnect with your gut instinct; your true sense of knowing which has the ability to make faster, higher quality decisions.

The coaching partnership

A true coaching partnership has the power to turn everything you thought you knew inside out, challenging assumptions and beliefs at their core; To enable you to become self-aware and unlock your true purpose and inner potential.

The foundation of a strong coach-client partnership is TRUST, knowing that your coach is there to lean on if it gets tough and will always be there to catch you. Coaching not only benefits the individual being coached, but frequently the ripple effects are felt by those around you with your new learnings and perspectives.

My role as your coach

My role is to put you front and centre in every conversation; I will challenge, guide and support you.

I do this because so many people are stuck and limited by fears that come from within. I’m passionate that everyone has the right to be the most dynamic version of them self. To realise their full potential and be happy & fulfilled in their place of work.

I coach with curiosity; actively listening, compassionately challenging and courageously exploring. I’ve got your back and together we’ll find the key and unlock the door.

What is coaching?

The ICF (International Coaching Federation) define coaching as:
‘partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximise their personal and professional potential’

Personally I’d say;
‘coaching provides a safe space for the client to breathe; to uncover, evaluate and re-evaluate….to energise and grow’

ICF accreditation underpins my coaching credentials

Achieving accreditation through the ICF ensures that not only am I trained to the highest internationally recognised standards in coaching competencies and continue to train as a lifelong learner; I am also bound by the strict ICF professional standards & ethics.

What coaching isn’t?

Coaching in its purest sense, puts the client at the heart of every conversation and guides them to make their own discoveries and come up with their answers. It frequently gets confused with other professional practises, which it isn’t, such as: Mentoring, therapy or consulting.