My mission is:

to help you discover your inner-potential and let it rise high

Kate is mind-blowingly good at two things; compassionate rigour and internal landscape navigation. Working with Kate was rocket fuel for my career.

Justin, Insight Manager

Did I find coaching, or did coaching find me?  I’m not sure I’ll ever know the real answer.  At a cross roads in my life, I reached out, not really knowing what I was searching for and a coach found me.  Almost instantly the pressure was lifted and I felt lighter.  I was able to prioritise, make decisions and my passion for work and life were reignited. 

I’d always looked externally for fulfilment, validation and recognition and never found it.  Coaching taught me that I needed to look inward to uncover my true purpose. I knew from that moment, I wanted to help others in the food and drink industry be the best versions of themselves.  And that’s where my journey into professional coaching began.



Kate Roberts
Founder, Inside out success
MBA, ICF Accredited Executive Coach

Why coaching?

Quite simply, because it works; The global industry is growing rapidly and the benefits speak for themselves:

99% of individuals and companies who hire a coach are “satisfied or very satisfied” and 96% say they would repeat the process.
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95% of clients rate their coaches as “good” or “excellent.”
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86% of companies said they made back their initial investment. 19% indicated an ROI of 50x & a further 28% saw an ROI of 10-49x.
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Over 70% benefit from improved work performance, relationships, and more effective communication skills.
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(Source: ICF Global coaching client study 2009)